Onychomycosis in patients with chronic kidney disease
Shipilova N.A., Sergeeva I.G.
Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) occurs in 15% of adults. The aim of the study was to evaluate the occurrence and clinical features of onychomycosis in patients with CKD receiving hemodialysis. A study comprised 25 patients (51±22 years) with CKD and nail changes with chronic renal failure under haemodialysis and 25 patients (53.6 ± 26.4 years) without CKD. For CKD, «yellow nails» are typical – in 17 (68%), without CKD – longitudinal stripes – in 16 (64%). Onychomycosis was diagnosed in 32% of patients with CKD and 64% without CKD. Out of 8 patients with diabetes mellitus and CKD, 7 had onychomycosis, 1 patient with CKD and onychomycosis did not have diabetes mellitus. For patients with CKD, the OSI index was 12 [9; 14], SCIO 10 [8; 12], without CKD: OSI – 16 [12; 17], SCIO – 12 [10; 15]. Onychomycosis in patients with CKD is less common than in patients without CKD, which indicates a lesser significance of nail infection with fungi in the development of their changes in patients under hemodialysis. |