Evaluation of commercially available nutrient media for isolation of agents of endemic and ivasive mycoses from soil samples
Polovets N.V., Lipnitsky A.V., Surkova R.S., Shergina Î.À., Victorov D.V., Toporkov A.V.
Federal Government Health Institution «Volgograd Plague Control Researsh Institute» of Federal Service for Surveillance in the Sphere of Consumers Rights Protection and Human Welfare, Volgograd, Russia
Objective: to evaluate the application of commercial nutrient media for the isolation of agents of particularly dangerous mycoses from soil.
Materials and methods: In experiments were compared three commercial dry media of HiMedia Laboratories Pvt. Limited (India): Sabouraud’s agars with glucose; with glucose and chloramphenicol; with chloramphenicol and cycloheximide. Fourteen strains of dimorphic fungi, agents of endemic invasive mycoses from the collection of Volgograd Plague Control Research Institute as well as 21 strains of opportunistic fungi from collection of G.K. Skrjabin Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology were used.
Results of investigation: Possibilities of using of Sabouraud’s agars with chloramphenicol and cycloheximide as a selective medium for isolation of micromycetes of II group of pathogenicity from soil’s samples contaminated with fungi and bacteria were investigated. Addition to this medium of antibiotics results in inhibition of growth of bacteria and opportunistic fungi increasing feasibility of isolation of cultures of agents of particularly dangerous mycoses from soil’s samples.
Conclusion: For the first time it was established that Sabouraud’s agars dry medium with chloramphenicol and cycloheximide is the effective selective media for isolation of fungi of II group of pathogenicity from contaminated soil.