Increase in the enzymatic activity of nasal lavage and oral fluid in allergic rhinitis under the influence of low allergen doses
Shchurok I.N.
Vitebsk State Medical University, Belarus
Aim of study: Determination of changes in the enzymatic activity of tryptase and myeloperoxidase in nasal lavage and oral fluid in patients with allergic rhinitis before and after the provocative nasal test with the Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus.
Material and methods. The study included 25 patients with allergic rhinitis and 18 healthy patients without allergy pathology. Provocation nasal test with the minimal dose (10PNU) of allergen mite Dermatophagoides pt .was performed on all study participants.
Results. Exposure of 10 PNU allergens of the mite to the nasal mucosa in patients with allergic rhinitis significantly increased the levels of myeloperoxidase and tryptase in both nasal lavage and oral fluid. This dose of 10 PNU in the provocative test did not cause any clinical symptoms of rhinitis in one of the subjects.
Conclusion. Correlation of tryptase and myeloperoxidase increases in nasal lavage and saliva after provocative nasal test with allergen mite Dermatophagoides pt. indicates the relationship of the allergic reaction of the nasal mucosa and oral cavity to the subclinical dose of the allergen.