Immuno-biochemical markers predict relapse of pyelonephritis
Korol L.V., Driyanskaya V.E., Stepanova N.M., Migal L.A.
SI “Institute of Nephrology of NAMS of Ukraine", Kiev, Ukraine
The purpose of research - to evaluate the possibility of determining the transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) and the oxidative stress index (OSI) as a prognostic biomarker recurrent course of pyelonephritis (PN).
Materials and methods.The content of TGF-β in the urine and OSI values in serum of blood were determined before treatment in 67 women with PN aged 18 to 59 years (mean 36 ± 7,7 years) and 30 healthy persons (control). Relapse within PN (more than 3 episodes in year) is ascertained in 48 women (group 1), 19 women had worsening of PN up to 2 times in year (group 2). The recurrence rate at the 1-st group - 6,0 ± 2,9, the 2nd group - 1,5 ± 0,5 times in year (p <0.001).
Results. It is shown that the value of TGF-β and the OSI at the first group patients (3,5 ± 1,5 pg / ml and 4,49 ± 0,18 standard units) is probably higher than those in patients of the control group (0,36 ± 0.02 pg / ml and 1,036 ± 0,04 standard units, p <0.001) and at the 2-nd group patients (1,2 ± 0,5 pg / ml and 2,31 ± 0,14 standard units, p <0.001). Also, the value of TGF-β and the OSI at the 2-nd group patients probably exceed the values at the control group (p <0.001). Analysis of ROC curves indicates that the registration content of TGF-β > 2 pg / ml, and the OSI values> 2.5 standard units the probability of developing recurrent PN forecast 97.6% of cases.
Conclution. Thus, the determination of TGF-β and the OSI may be used as prognostic biomarkers recurrent course PN, allowing timely adequate therapy, increase its promises more effective and reduce the frequency of relapses.
Keywords |
Transforming growth factor-β, oxidative stress index, prognostic biomarkers, recurrent pyelonephritis. |
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Reference |
Korol L.V., Driyanskaya V.E., Stepanova N.M., Migal L.A. Immunopathology, allergology, infectology 2015; 4:93-97 |