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International journal of Immunopathology, allergology, infectology.

Rare variants of scabies

Malyarchuk A.P., Sokolova T.V.

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education
“Moscow State University of Food Production”, Moscow, Russian Federation

For the first time given a description a new clinical form of scabies - scabious erythroderma, and evaluated its invasive potential. Itching caused by scabies mites, in psoriasis promotes sharp progression of the process due to isomorphic Koebner reaction. In rubromycosis of feet and hands pronounced hyperkeratosis complicated the introduction of itch mite. Diagnostic criteria of disease were the detection burrows on the wrists, in the Achilles tendon, on the elbows. Increased the number of scabious lymphoplasia of skin on the buttocks, abdomen, in the axillary areas, genitals in men. In epidermophytia due to the increased skin moisture number of burrows on the hands and feet almost 2 times higher than that in the normal course of the disease. Dominated itch moves associated with exudative morphological elements, often recorded secondary pyoderma. Use of psychotropic drugs in the appropriate patient population modified the clinical picture of scabies. This manifested in the dryness of the skin, eliminating (weakening) of pruritus, development drug toxicoderma (26.7%), the prevalence of destroyed burrows and frequent occurrence of superficial mycoses of the skin (57.8%), which masked the clinical manifestations of scabies.


Scabies, psoriasis, rubromycosis, epidermophytia, scabious erythroderma, mental diseases and scabies.

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Malyarchuk A.P., Sokolova T.V. Immunopathology, allergology, infectology 2014; 1:48-56